Model of an Open-source Web GIS Application for Observation in case of Wildland Fires
Authors: Stefan Stefanov
Publishing Date: 06-05-2022
ISBN: 978-81-95502-00-4
The purpose of this study is to present a net-based GIS application that was created via open-source software and toolkits. It shows data taken in real time and recorded in a SQL database from a personal meteorological station in Kresna, Blagoevgrad, Republic of Bulgaria. The software visualizes open weather data from Open Weather Maps (OWS) and Copernicus Emergency Management Service to provide more detailed information on the present situation (CEMS). OWS provides customers with access to a wide range of weather information. CEMS offers rapid and reliable geospatial data to all players involved in natural disaster management. The article includes the concept as well as the software system implementation of the Web GIS application for surveillance in the case of wildland fires. The app was built using QGIS and other open-source applications and technologies.
Qgis, open-source software, Copernicus Emergency Management Services, Lizmap, Open Weather Maps.
Cite as
Stefan Stefanov, "Model of an Open-source Web GIS Application for Observation in case of Wildland Fires", In: Aditya Kr. Singh Pundir and Rahul Srivastava (eds), New Frontiers in Communication and Intelligent Systems, SCRS, India, 2022, pp. 547-553. https://doi.org/10.52458/978-81-95502-00-4-56