Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques Comparative Study
Authors: Sharmila Zope, Nandini Chaudhari and Nita Patil
Publishing Date: 06-05-2022
ISBN: 978-81-95502-00-4
Now a days there is a significant amount of information is present in across the internet in the form of various types more specifically the information on, websites, news, blogs and other digital content. But there is valuable or meaningful information which is hidden inside the data which is very crucial for taking many important decisions. Thus this research is very useful for obtaining such useful information from the available one. The best tool for the extracting the useful information from the available large amount of information is known as data mining. This research deals to get the useful information from large amount of data and which is used in taking the crucial decision. Data mining is the one of the important tool to extract useful and meaningful information from the available large amount of data. Hence data mining is used in most of the applications like healthcare, whether forecasting and entertainment. The importance of data mining in the field of healthcare has proven its importance particularly in preventing, predicting and detecting and also in curing most of the heart diseases should be considered as milestone.
Classification Techniques, Electrocardiogram Analysis, Machine Learning, Heart Disease.
Cite as
Sharmila Zope, Nandini Chaudhari and Nita Patil, "Heart Disease Prediction using Machine Learning Techniques Comparative Study", In: Aditya Kr. Singh Pundir and Rahul Srivastava (eds), New Frontiers in Communication and Intelligent Systems, SCRS, India, 2022, pp. 587-593. https://doi.org/10.52458/978-81-95502-00-4-60