Critical Success Factors & Fundability of Indian Startups: Insights from Key-Decision Makers of Indian Startup-Ecosystem
Authors: Parimal Kumar, Ayesha Farooq and Rishikesha T Krishnan
Publishing Date: 23-01-2023
ISBN: 978-81-95502-00-4
Startup Funding has been always risky, as the investors are not confident whether the investee Startups will be successful and their investment will yield the desired returns. This risk can be mitigated by development of a measurement-index representing the fundability of Startups which can aid the investors for making decisions for investment in startups. In this study, an interview questionnaire was disseminated through email/goggleforms to the key decision makers of Indian-Startup-Ecosystem to gain insights into the issues relevant for identifying ‘critical success factors for startups and ‘development of a Startup-fundability-index’, i.e. (a) Reasons for failure of startups, (b) Metrics for Startupsuccess, (c) Need for a uniform and transparent Startup-fundability-index, (d) Metrics on which a mathematical formalism for determining the fundability of a Startup could be based (e) Relationship between chances of Startup’s success and their fundability from the perspective of investors. The dissemination of questionnaire was followed by personal interviews/ e-mail/WhatsApp/telephonic communication. Seven Key-Decision-Makers responded to the interview questionnaire. In this research paper, authors present these responses, which provide insights to the critical factors for success of Indian Startups and also indicate that these factors are positively related with the proposed Startup-fundabilityindex. The responses also provide a way ahead for developing entrepreneurial mind-sets in students at a young age. While the proposed Startup-Fundability-Index can be used by investors for making decisions for funding the startups, the startups are expected to use it for reiterating and pivoting their business models.
Entrepreneurship, Startups, Fundability, Startup-India, SISFS.
Cite as
Parimal Kumar, Ayesha Farooq and Rishikesha T Krishnan, "Critical Success Factors & Fundability of Indian Startups: Insights from Key-Decision Makers of Indian Startup-Ecosystem", In: Aditya Kr. Singh Pundir and Rahul Srivastava (eds), New Frontiers in Communication and Intelligent Systems, SCRS, India, 2023, pp. 763-772. https://doi.org/10.52458/978-81-95502-00-4-75