Various Skew Correction Techniques: Kannada Handwritten Script
Authors: Malini. M and Hemanth. K.S
Publishing Date: 05-11-2023
ISBN: 978-81-955020-2-8
In a handwritten text document, before identifying the character it is essential to pre-process. During the pre-processing stage, identifying the skewed angle and correcting the text document is a significant step. A few effective algorithms are used in later stages to extract the features and identify the characters. In this paper, Fourier Transform, Hough Transform, and Horizontal Projection Profile Techniques are described in steps. These are implemented forskew detection, and correcting techniquesin a Kannada handwritten document. Comparison analysis is also undertaken in this study, to get unambiguousness about the suitable algorithm to use on different documents for effectual results.
Skew Detection, Skew Correction, Handwritten Document, Hough Transform, Fourier Transform, Projection Profile
Cite as
Malini. M and Hemanth. K.S, "Various Skew Correction Techniques: Kannada Handwritten Script", In: Satyasai Jagannath Nanda and Rajendra Prasad Yadav (eds), Data Science and Intelligent Computing Techniques, SCRS, India, 2023, pp. 633-642. https://doi.org/10.56155/978-81-955020-2-8-57