Data Science and Intelligent Computing Techniques

IoT-Enabled Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming using Microcontroller

Authors: Sangeeta Kurundkar, Pranav Dhandar, Manoj Lahudkar, Lalit Chaudhari, Utkarsh Kandare and Rohan Boge

Publishing Date: 22-03-2024

ISBN: 978-81-955020-2-8



The modern era is rapidly progressing in all sectors, including agriculture. Irrigation is a crucial aspect of agriculture, and in India sprinkler and drip irrigation techniques are used. But these processes are manually operated, which is timeconsuming and results in low productivity. The objective of this project is to design and develop a Microcontroller based Smart Irrigation System for Farms. The automation in the irrigation process of farms will minimize the costs and time consumption while promoting sustainable development with the help of IoT. This system can precisely utilize the water on the farm without any wastage. The System is designed to operate in Automatic and Manual mode. In automatic mode all the control of the system is handed to the AT89c51 Microcontroller, Soil moisture sensor connected to the AT89c51 MCU is used to sense the moisture in the soil and the motor is actuated accordingly. If the rain is detected by the Rain sensor which is also connected to the AT89c51 MCU, the motor is automatically turned off to avoid the access water in the farm. In manual mode, the motor can be turned on and off with the help of an Android app that is connected to the ThingSpeak IoT cloud. The temperature and humidity values from the Dht11 sensor in the farm area are also shown on the app interface. The system sends and reads the data from the cloud with the help of ESP8266 MCU which is connected through the Wi-Fi. As the System is connected to the Internet through Wi-Fi we can monitor and control the system from any remote area. We have used two controllers so that if any one microcontroller fails the other microcontroller runs the system smoothly


Smart Irrigation, AT89c51 MCU, Android App, ESP8266, ThingSpeak IoT Cloud, remote monitoring, IOT (Internet of Things).

Cite as

Sangeeta Kurundkar, Pranav Dhandar, Manoj Lahudkar, Lalit Chaudhari, Utkarsh Kandare and Rohan Boge, "IoT-Enabled Smart Irrigation System for Precision Farming using Microcontroller", In: Satyasai Jagannath Nanda and Rajendra Prasad Yadav (eds), Data Science and Intelligent Computing Techniques, SCRS, India, 2024, pp. 945-952.
