Sentiment Analysis on Movie “Kashmir Files” Using Machine Learning
Authors: Anjali , Pinki and Varun Sharma
Publishing Date: 04-02-2023
ISBN: 978-81-955020-3-5
Sentiment Analysis which is also known as “Opinion Mining” is a process of analyzing, emotions, sentiments, attitudes and expressions expressed in written language. Now, these opinion can be mined from any social media platform like Twitter, Facebook as people are more likely to share their opinions on these platforms. Twitter is one such platform which is very popular & most people are using this to express their opinion. The research addresses the sentiment analysis of movie “Kashmir files” by using trending hash tages on Twitter. Sentiment can be of three types-1) Positive 2) Negative 3) Neutral Sentiment Analysis using Machine Learning makes use of various libraries such as numpy, pandas, sklearn, TextBlob etc. and Supervised Machine Learning algorithms like- Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM) etc. can be used for classification of tweets i.e. to identify the tweet whether it is positive, negative or neutral. In this work project, we will use Supervised Machine Learning algorithms like Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machine (SVM) & K-nearest neighbour (KNN) for classification of tweets and a comparison will be made based on their accuracy score.
Sentiment analysis, Machine learning, Naïve bayes, SVM
Cite as
Anjali , Pinki and Varun Sharma, "Sentiment Analysis on Movie “Kashmir Files” Using Machine Learning", In: Vikram Dhiman and Pooja Dhand (eds), Emerging Trends in Engineering and Management, SCRS, India, 2023, pp. 7-12. https://doi.org/10.56155/978-81-955020-3-5-02