The New Era of Full Stack Development
Authors: Vishal Shrivastava, Sangeeta Sharma, Naresh Kumar Marwal and Faisal Sohel Khan
Publishing Date: 19-10-2023
ISBN: 978-81-955020-4-2
This is a compact examination of the development of the full stack improvement because of headway of innovation and the presentation of cloud. It helps provide you with a superior comprehension of what full stack improvement was and how full stack advancement developed, it shows an interpretation of the way that full stack improvement is not dead and has quite recently advanced to more readily oblige the client's needs.
Full Stack Advancement, Distributed Computing, Systems Administration Model, Full Stack Designer, Front-end Improvement, Back-end Advancement, Stack, Cloud, Programming Interface, Advancement
Cite as
Vishal Shrivastava, Sangeeta Sharma, Naresh Kumar Marwal and Faisal Sohel Khan, "The New Era of Full Stack Development", In: Deepak Bhatia and Himanshu Arora (eds), SCRS Proceedings of International Conference of Undergraduate Students 2023, SCRS, India, 2023, pp. 51-60.