Analysis of Recent Trends in Single Image Dehazing Techniques
Authors: Jenisha C and Sheeba Joice C
Publishing Date: 06-08-2022
ISBN: 978-81-955020-5-9
The main objective of this paper is to present a detailed study on various recent innovations in haze removal techniques. The suspended particles in the atmosphere like mist, fog, and haze cause the captured picture to get degrades. Hence to get a clear image the dehazing technique is essential and the dehazing technique is also important since it is used for various applications like urban transportation, video analysis, visual surveillance, Image Processing, computer vision, outdoor photography, medical imaging for diagnostic purposes, object detection, object recognition, etc. In this paper, we have classified the existing dehazing techniques into Multiple and Single Image dehazing techniques and explained the significance of each method in detail. This paper also presents the outcomes of the DCP, CAP, MLP, DehazeNet, and PMS-Net dehazing methods by assessing the resultant dehazed image visually by qualitative analysis and by calculating the MSE, RMSE, PSNR, SSIM, BRISQUE, and FADE evaluation metrics by quantitative analysis. Thus, this paper helps the nurturing researchers who are doing their research work in this field, to acquire a wide knowledge about the various haze removal techniques.
Dehazing Techniques, Haze Optics Model, Image Restoration, Analysis of Evaluation Metrics.
Cite as
Jenisha C and Sheeba Joice C, "Analysis of Recent Trends in Single Image Dehazing Techniques", In: Saroj Hiranwal and Garima Mathur (eds), Artificial Intelligence and Communication Technologies, SCRS, India, 2022, pp. 107-126. https://doi.org/10.52458/978-81-955020-5-9-11