Social Networking Sites in Daily Life: Benefits and Threats
Authors: Venugeetha Y, Ranjeet Rathod and Rishabh Kumar
Publishing Date: 06-08-2022
ISBN: 978-81-955020-5-9
Social networking’s current growth rate indicates that the global population usage of the internet and social media can exceed 8 billion by mid-2023. According to the statistics sources of Global WebIndex the year 2021, 57.6% of the world population uses social media and the average daily usage is 6 to 8 hours especially after the covid-19 struck. The whole world had a transition from offline to online mode of operating. About 5.29 billion in October 2021 is an increase of global users by 100 million (i.e., +1.9 per cent). It equates to almost 62% users of internet i.e., 4.88 billion internet users all over the world; due to pandemic global users have increased by more than 220 million (+4.8%) the real number might be considerably higher. As so the impact was also on social media, here the users increased by 400 million (+9.9%) over a year to reach 4.55 billion during 2021 with an increase of 1 million users every day globally. People are actively using social networking sites. Social networking sites include a wide range such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and LinkedIn are major contributors to the number of account users. The number of social media users is increasing at a high-rate year after year, and privacy, security issues are also increasing at the same rate. Although the overall impact of social media is good, it also has risk factors and drawbacks, users are unaware of how they can secure themselves and the privacy of social media accounts. Marlon Brando says, “Privacy is not something I am only entitled to, it is an absolute prerequisite”.
Social networking sites, Facebook, Security and Privacy threats, Data Breach.
Cite as
Venugeetha Y, Ranjeet Rathod and Rishabh Kumar, " Social Networking Sites in Daily Life: Benefits and Threats", In: Saroj Hiranwal and Garima Mathur (eds), Artificial Intelligence and Communication Technologies, SCRS, India, 2022, pp. 51-64. https://doi.org/10.52458/978-81-955020-5-9-5