Advancements in Communication and Systems

Securing Cloud Information under Key Exposure

Authors: Jeffin Gracewell J, Jayabalan R K, Kadhiresan S and Hari S

Publishing Date: 28-06-2024

ISBN: 978-81-955020-7-3



The emerging growth of internet users facilitate various edge devices accessed by the global peoples. The benefit of fast network usage provides enormous task to get done within short span of time. Since the massive network rely on various third party cloud services, the impact of malicious attacks are more. To detect and mitigate the malicious attacks in the cloud is important. The proposed framework is formed with block chain empowered Stronghold Host (BH) or Stronghold server (BS) based remarkable insurance framework(UPF) for secure cloud figuring model. The proposed approach considers the AWS amazon web administrations cloud empowered entryway for testing the BH empowered UPF that influence more from weak movement. The essential objective of the framework is to give full insurance to the framework over the cloud utilizing BH and UPF and relieve the security assaults. The framework examine the security of Bastion, and we assess its presentation through a model execution. The framework likewise talk about reasonable experiences concerning the combination of Bastion in business scattered capacity frameworks. Our assessment results propose that Bastion is appropriate for reconciliation in existing frameworks since it brings about under 5% above contrasted with existing semantically secure encryption modes.


Machine learning, Block chain, Cryptography, Data security, Cloud computing.

Cite as

Jeffin Gracewell J, Jayabalan R K, Kadhiresan S and Hari S, "Securing Cloud Information under Key Exposure", In: Ashish Kumar Tripathi and Vivek Shrivastava (eds), Advancements in Communication and Systems, SCRS, India, 2024, pp. 493-499.
